Tuesday, November 20, 2012


The baby and the hubby are sick with a cold so the 5 things I am grateful for this week are:

1. coffee, coffee, coffee!!
2. coryzalia-homeopathic cold remedy for babies....coincidence or not...I gave Alexis this remedy and she slept for 5 hours straight for the first time in 2 months. 
3. So, Alexis enjoys using her new raspy voice and I find it quite entertaining to listen to her cold-induced throaty whispers. I wish I could capture it on video but apparently she is camera shy because as soon as I take my phone out she stops whatever she is doing and stares at it silently. I've even tried the sneak attack but the little smarty pants always seems to catch me...so I guess I should just enjoy this adorable side effect of her cold while I can and commit it to memory instead.
4. Despite being sick himself, Ty has been so helpful with the household chores and caring for our needy, whiny baby....so proud we have managed to survive 'baby's first cold'!
5. I have somehow managed not to catch this cold (knock on wood)....not sure how I have been so lucky because Alexis has literally wiped her nose all over me, coughed in my face and no joke, she actually managed to sneeze in my mouth once. So evading this cold is certainly a feat to be grateful for!!

♥ Lindsay

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Well it's that time again.....I feel like my weeks just fly by these days so its nice to take a moment to reflect on the past week and remember those great moments :)

1. First and foremost.....I am so excited to be going to see Oprah in January!!! I have been literally waiting 10 years for this. When her show was on the air I spent hours trying to get tickets by phone or online with no luck and even wrote emails that borderline begged to give me tickets (apparently I have no shame). I even travelled to New Orleans a few years ago to see a special presentation of the Vagina Monologues that she was supposed to be featured in....only to get there and find out that she was sick and had cancelled her appearance!! Although it was still an amazing event, I was obviously disappointed! When OWN came to Canada I entered every contest a Canadian is allowed to, with no luck. Then the stars aligned and I have in my hand, tickets to "A night with Oprah Winfrey" in Calgary. Finally my dream is coming true....unless she cancels....dang, I  hope I didn't just jinx it?!? 

2. I gotta say it....I LOVE Tiny toms....cutest things ever!! Ridiculously expensive but I couldn't resist! I mean really......does it get any cuter!?!
Alexis is officially the proud new owner of these adorable toms.

But she was almost the owner of these....
but the hubby couldn't get on board with leopard print! Can you believe it? What he's got against animal prints is beyond me! 

3. My 45- minute napper took an epic 2 hour nap today!!! Yay!! Maybe I am finally starting to get the timing right. Who knew that overtired babies don't sleep well and that when they are overtired it looks remarkably similar to a being 'wide awake, nowhere near ready to sleep' babies. We are getting there slowly....

4. Had the yummiest fall salad for lunch today with blue cheese crumbles, pomegranate, candied walnuts and honey crisp apples. And the best part is that I got to enjoy it sans baby-in-lap thanks to the above mentioned epic nap!!

 5. It's so frustrating when you go looking for something specific and you can't find it! That's exactly why I often end up doing DIY projects.....that and the fact that I actually like doing them! So, this year I decided to make Christmas stockings for the three of us. Often this kind of project poses the same problem because it requires finding a pattern and just the right fabrics, and I am pretty picky. I was pleasantly surprised to find a great tutorial right away(thank you pinterest) and the best part was that it uses fat quarters (hehe...gets me every time). You only need one per stocking  and they go for about $3.95 each, so including the cost of lining, ribbon and felt for the applique each stocking is easily under $10!! I went out to the local quilting shop at Granville Island that sells tons of fat quarters and I was cautiously optimistic. I didn't want typical Christmas patterns like Santa, reindeer and pointsettas.....I wanted more Winter-themed like snowmen and snowflakes for example.  Surprisingly I found the perfect fabrics!! I ended up getting 6 so that I can mix and match to make the main part of the stocking different from the cuff.......and of course now I have enough for 1 or 2 extra stockings just in case we add to the family. We can't have any new additions not have a matching stocking....that would just be unheard of!! (and no I am not pregnant....just a planner) So there you are.....a ridiculously long explanation of why I am grateful for having found these fabrics :)
♥ Lindsay

Monday, November 5, 2012

The days between the rain in Vancouver

I think one of the requirements to living in Vancouver is having terrible short term memory. I don't know if my fellow Vancouverites would agree....but it seems that one day of sunshine seems to make yesterday's rain (and the day before, and the day before that....etc) seem like a distant memory. I must admit that we have been pretty lucky this fall!! We have had tons of sunny days and the temperatures have been warm enough to warrant shorts....in October...crazy!! Then, as it inevitably does in Vancouver, the rains came....for days and days. So on those days between the rain, when we wake up to sunshine, we always find an excuse to get outside and enjoy it. 
So here it is.... one of my new favorite things....yep it's another picmonkey collage :)

Photo credits: me, my hubby and the fabulous Erin Crawford....I'll let you figure out which is which. but I'll give you a hint....the really awesome ones are Erin's ;)

♥ Lindsay