Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year in Review 2011

As my year of no shopping comes to a close, I have mixed feelings about it, which is totally unexpected!! Although I am excited and proud to have accomplished such a feat (Yay!!).... I am also a little sad! 
Over the past few days, I went through my entire blog (side note: not as many entries as I had originally intended....goal for next year maybe?) and it reminded me what a wonderful year 2011 has truly been. 
I will always remember 2011 as the year I.....

I played football, fell back in love with yoga, read more, spent more time with friends,  and just did more of the things I enjoy.

There were many obstacles in this year-long project and I found ways to overcome....or in some cases found ways around.... and in the process I learned a lot about myself.

Whether to spice up my wardrobe or just for various craft projects this past year reminded me how satisfying it is to start with just raw materials and end up with something really beautiful. This year for sure renewed of my passion for crafting!

This year was full of travel near and far! 
From short little getaways for birthdays and yoga retreats, to road trips for weddings and to see friends, family etc and then of course there was our fabulous trip to Peru to celebrate five wonderful years of marriage.....I have definitely been spoiled this year in the travel department. I have created memories I won't soon forget!!

How could I not? Look what I have accomplished this year!! They say there is a link between challenge and happiness because it reminds you that you aren't done....there is always more to explore and learn about yourself and life. Although it was not the goal of this project to become a happier person, I think throughout the process of rediscovering things I enjoy, learning to be more grateful for everything I have and focusing on experiences not stuff.....
I did end up having a pretty happy year!! 

I guess there is a reason all those project bloggers out there, like the J Project girls keep going back for more! From a year of not buying anything new in 2010, to a new project a month for 2011 and now starting in 2012 finally getting to that list of things you want to do in life by creating and working their way through a 30 before 30 list. Phew! 
Well I am hooked too....and so obviously there will be a new challenge in 2012 for the onelifetolove project so stay tuned for more details!
♥ Lindsay

Friday, December 23, 2011

Final results of my scarf project as promised.

So I finished the scarf that was inspired by The Kove's Mainland Warmer and I think it worked out quite well! 

The inspiration.....

Mine is a little bit long, and after finishing the entire thing, the perfectionist in me debated ripping the whole thing to make it shorter....but in the end I decided it would be nice to have the option of being long or short. I definitely like it better double-wrapped, but I think it looks pretty good both ways!!

My final product....not bad for $6 and a few hours of work.

♥ Lindsay

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thanks Jill for saving my challenge!

So close to the end of the year I thought that the last few weeks of my project would be a breeze to get through....well turns out I had forgotten about....the Holiday Party!  Yep, that means there was one last test of my willpower, and let me tell you, it was a BIG one. You should have heard the thoughts that ran through my head to try and rationalize buying a new outfit for my husbands' Christmas party! The dominant one being; "If I bought something now, I would have made it over 11 months and that is pretty darn impressive". I even considered the fact that I could buy something and no one would have to know.....and that is the thought that snapped me back into reality. If I gave in now, what would have been the point of the past 11 months? So I vowed to find another way, and came up with three options. 

1. I could wear something I already own. Now, this posed a problem because Ty's co-workers have seen all my dresses at some point. Between weddings and previous holiday parties, I have worn every dress/fancy outfit to some event or another throughout the past 5 years. Chances are they would never remember, but I just couldn't do it!
2. I thought about making something, but who has the time for that at this time of year....especially with all my other crafting projects on the go. 
3. Borrow something from a friend. Now this is a good option, because most of my friends are my size (ish) and I know that a lot of them have waaay more fancy clothes than I I put out the call for a fabulous, holiday party worthy dress to wear for the evening! 

And this was the result....
I got to wear an adorable dress that I didn't have to spend money on (and probably never wear again) AND I didn't have to give up on my project so close to the end!! 
This was a great reminder that I don't always have to run out and buy something new for every event....sometimes it's a good idea to embrace your inner-thriftiness and use other resources (such as your friends' wardrobe) to look fabulous, without spending a dime!

Thanks saved my challenge :)

 ♥ Lindsay

Saturday, December 17, 2011

More crafting...

So this project was not inspired by a craft fair, but it was something that I saw on Jillian Harris' design blog last year that I have been lusting after ever since! 
This fabulous pillow by Sugarboo from The Cross Design and Decor retails for over $100, but my version looks just as good (if I do say so myself) and I made it for under $10!! 

Neutral Coloured fabric (preferably with a bit of texture)- Free from a friend
Paint- Martha Stewart Multi-Surface paint in Vanilla Bean $5.99
Alphabet Stencils- $1 at Dollarama (plus they are sticky and about a deal!!)
Pillow Form- 99¢ in the As-is Department at Ikea
Stenciling Sponges- $1 for a package of 4 at Dollarama

I made the actual pillow case first and then turned it inside out and started stenciling.

I used masking tape to keep it straight and measuring tape to make sure that it was spaced out evenly....worked out pretty well I think. The key was having adhesive was much easier without having to hold it in place.

I even added a little heart shaped patch that I stitched on with brown thread.....

And I also made the pillow two-sided because I couldn't decide which phrase to use. So on one side I did exactly like the original pillow (as above) and the other side I added a personal touch by using part of our wedding vows....'my hand, my heart, my love'. I thought since the pillow would be on our bed that it would be acceptable to get a little sappy :)

And voila....the final product in its rightful place on our bed. I think it matches the bedding nicely and freshens up the look of the throw pillows that I made ages ago and was starting to get sick of! (PS....LOVE my new iphone and the instagram app)

So the moral of the story is....never pay retail for something you can make yourself. 
Happy crafting!
♥ Lindsay

Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year.....

It's the most wonderful time of the year and I don't just mean Christmas time! In Vancouver, holiday season comes hand-in-hand with Craft Fair season. For me, it just doesn't feel like the holidays without a little baking and crafting, so the last few weekends I have been busy visiting Vancouver's best Craft Fairs and finally getting around to various craft projects that I have been meaning to finish all year! I have been attending holiday craft fairs for years, but because I rarely buy anything, I consider them to one of my safe places during this 'No-Buying' project. I always find things I love, but they are usually overpriced and I walk away saying...."I bet I can make that", so instead of loads of bags, I leave a craft fair with loads of inspiration! 

A few years back at the largest craft fair of the year, Circle Craft Christmas Market, I found the cutest blankets that have become my signature present for all my friends' babies. They were listed as $65, but thanks to ikea and my favorite Vancouver fabric store Dressew (downtown on Hastings), I was able to replicate them for under $10 each!!!

The inspiration from Admiral Road.....

And my versions.....

This year I skipped the Circle Craft Market and instead, my craft fair buddy Jill and I went to smaller, more local fairs...but even though they were small they were definitely not short on inspiration! We went to the Urban Artisan's Craft Fair at the Roundhouse Community Centre in Yaletown.

 There were tons of fabulous vendors, but in my opinion, the best booth there was i heart mondays. Now because 'I Heart Mondays' is Jill's friend Corinne's booth, you may think I am being biased, but I think that the adorable rustic display, tons of cute knitwear, accessories and hand-painted canvas wall art will speak for themselves. Cute right?!?
 If you like it, check out her i heart mondays etsy store 

And since it was my birthday, she gave me a pair of cute crocheted flower hairpins. Thanks Corinne!

This craft fair also had lots of cute cards that inspired me to not only make all my 'Christmas' cards this year, but also try my hand at 'New Baby' cards too.
 I like to recycle old Christmas cards by using them in different combinations to create whole new cards. 

And for the baby cards, I layered various crafting paper to create a pretty canvas for the cute alphabet stickers that personalize the cards for each purpose. 'Congrats' on the new baby for a gender neutral option, or 'It's a boy' for if the gender is known. Cards are so expensive these days, but the homemade alternatives are cute, easy and fun to make, so I am glad to have revived my love of card-making!

Next up was Got Craft? Lots of great ideas fact we were so inspired we went straight to Michael's on our way home! 

My fave booth at this craft fair was by far Kove West Coast Knitwear! I was drawn to the natural  colours she uses in her knitwear, as well as the chunky textures. Everything looks like something you want to wrap yourself up in and take a long walk along the beach or in the woods. Cozy, warm and West Coast stylin', love, love all her stuff! Now being a long time 'crocheter', I know that her prices are not based on cost of materials (yarn is ridiculously cheap) but reflect the time put into the pieces she makes. I would estimate that each piece takes about 4 or 5 hours so if you don't know how to crochet, then the prices are totally fair, but I just can't bring myself to pay for something that I can easily make myself. Plus there is the added bonus of bragging rights. "Oh, you like this scarf? Thanks, I made it!" So below is the inspiration for my next project...the infinity scarf from Kove. I picked up the yarn at Michael's for $6 and now all I need is a solid few hours to actually make it.

Stay tuned for the final product....

♥ Lindsay

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Home stretch

It is December which means, not only have I officially entered the last 31 days of my challenge (Yay!) but it also means that Christmas is just around the corner. Soooo.... I have been spending a lot more time at the mall lately. Talk about temptation! But to be truthful, it hasn't been as difficult as I had anticipated because I have always found shopping for others just as fun as shopping for myself. So, in fact I think that the holiday season has given me the perfect excuse to shop, without the actual act of buying things for myself.....filling the shopping void so to speak! However I will admit that I have had a heavy hand in 'helping' my husband shop for me....but that's nothing new, I have always given him not-so-subtle hints about what is on my Christmas wish list. It's not that he is incapable of picking out gifts.....far from it fact there were gorgeous diamond earrings waiting for me in my room the morning of our wedding, he has picked out some of my favourite purses over the years and just yesterday he surprised me with a beautiful necklace with three diamonds on my 30th birthday (one for each decade). Sweet right? Come to think of it maybe I should think about giving up control and succumb to the surprise once in awhile....hmmm maybe next year :) 

But speaking of birthdays, December also happens to be my birthday month so, yesterday I was showered with gifts from my friends and family!! It was wonderful to have a few new things to tide me over for the rest of the challenge. Between that and Christmas, these next 29 days should be a breeze to get through! However some of the gifts have raised an interesting question. At the risk of sparking another controversy (a la the flat iron debate of January 2011) ...does spending a gift card count as buying something for myself? Or is it a gift that I just get to pick out? I tend to defer to the 'guilt factor' for advice when faced with a contentious issue surrounding this challenge. I ask myself, not only if I can rationalize it, but also will I feel guilty afterwards? There have been quite a few situations that I have been on the fence have all read about my few loopholes....and in the end I haven't felt guilty about any of them. My first instinct is that spending a gift card is a little too close to buying something for myself, so to avoid any potential remorse I might just wait until is only a few weeks away after all! Thoughts? 
♥ Lindsay